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YLE blåjluger

Anti-American bias by the Finnish Broadcasting Co.






The purpose of this website. is to expose the bias to which the Finnish population is spoon-fed courtesy of their government owned media.

     The Finnish government owns and operates a radio and TV company named Yleisradio, Yle for short, and Finnish Broadcasting Co. in English. Yle used to have a monopoly on all radio and TV broadcasting in Finland, and is still by far the dominant player. The Finnish parliament controls it and the Finnish taxpayers money is paying for it all, even if the taxpayer does not own a TV or radio. This bureaucracy is run by a general manger, who almost all of the time has been some version of socialist or communist. One generalmanager was convicted of spying for the Soviet Union before she was appointed to the job.
     Because every Yle employee is living off the taxpayers, they have adopted the bias that bureaucrats usually have against people who promote fiscal responsibility. The news that Yle feeds to the Finnish people are often manipulated. Former Yle employees, opposed to the manipulation, published a book called "Ylegate."
     The Yle broadcasts and web pages are rife with an anti-American slant, and after the election of President Trump, there has been ongoing broadcasts and editorials by anti-American Trump haters. As an example of that I have collected below the flavor of how Yle presented the Trump-Putin summit in Helsinki June 16, 2018.

How Yle primed the Finnish people the day before the summit.
     On July 15, 2018 the taxpayer financed Finnish broadcast TV Yle had a couple of primers to set attitudes for the upcoming summit. Below an analysis of one of the columns printed in Yle’s web page. The writer, Reetta Räty, writes what she has heard about the US: "Trump’s USA is a mockery of freedom, and the flip side of a market economy. Trump’s climate politics destroys the earth, and immigration politics builds prisons for babies. Who can like that kind of country? Americans are stupid people!"

Twenty five percent of Americans are morons!
     The attack on Trump continues with: " About one quarter of Americans voted for Trump. He is the picture of populism and fake media, the times and naturally also democracy. But he is not the same as "americans." One can take an attitude toward Trump voters as being morons, or people whose choices one really would like to understand."

One source of "information" which passes muster at Yle.
     YLE has broadcasted and makes available on their web service a "documentary" with reactions of the New York Times employees to the Trump Presidency. The Finnish viewers are not warned of the ultra left wing bias of the New York Times, so they are mislead to think that what they are seeing would be typical. The piece is called the Fourth Estate and is directed and produced by Liz Garbus, who worked for a Hillary Clinton PAC during the presidential campaign. Finnish taxpayers paid for the rights for the four part "documentary", Yle broadcasted it and it is now available in Finland for free internet viewing. No mention to the Finnish viewers that a member of Hillary Clinton’s propaganda team had produced the piece.

Supporting the riots of the loony left.
     Retta Räty calls the above mentioned propaganda piece " a fine documentary" She writes:" The documentary reminds us of the enormous demonstrations that have been held against Trump throughout the US. The scenes show how the people rise to oppose their leader. Not my president is the text on the signs. From the sidelines one would like to shout to the demonstrators, do not give up; we are on your side. "

Foul language in Yle, never used in US broadcast TV.
     The YLE article describes the reaction of the New York Times personnel like this:" The most delightful moments in the documentary are the situations where the editors view another Trump speech on TV. Their expressions become more and more.. well it’s hard to say what. The expressions are unbelieving, shocked, tired, horrified and finally collapse. Is this our America they seem to say? I cannot stand this idiocy, run down of civilization, what happens in the country, for the thousandth time, fucking unbelievable.
     The last two words are not translated; they are the actual English words the writer used in the YLE article, and were not filtered out by Yle. It is quite ironic that she used "Civilization" in the same sentence. She would not last long in US broadcast TV. Original article in Finnish

Analysis or fake news?
     Bengt Östling is an YLE’s correspondent who lives in New York. It must be hard for him to live here, because his articles reflect his dislike toward his host country. He wrote an analysis piece before the summit, part which said: " The Russians might also have learned from the North Korea meeting that it is possible to get big concessions from the US for just unclear promises again."
     If Yle had an honest and well-informed correspondent in New York he/she would not have written that accusation because:
The US did not make any concessions at all. Every sanction before the Trump-Kim summit was in effect after the meeting also.
But Korea gave up a lot.
Three Americans imprisoned in Korea were freed and returned to the US.
Korea blew up nuclear engine test facilities. There has not been any missile or nuclear tests for months. There seems to be a good chance that some remains of American war casualties will be returned to their families.
    North Korea also made many other promises, but Communists rarely do what they promise, so we will see, if they keep any. But fact is that Trump negotiated from a strong position with absolutely no reduction in sanctions and made it clear that sanctions could be even increased to obtain "maximum pressure."

Yle’s transmission on the day of the summit.
     As YLE is government owned and operated, the personnel think like bureaucrats do, so there were expressions of disappointment that the summit interfered with their vacationing. They were called in to do their jobs. When waiting for the summit press conference to begin, Yle had arranged for a "hate Trump hour." They had a panel with one Yle reporter who was joined by two other Trump haters. Trump was attacked furiously;. One of them, Oskar Winberg claimed to be a historian. It seems that his talents would be particularly useful when re-writing history. Winberg also badmouthed Hannity from Fox News. According to Winberg Hannity’s great sin was that he and Trump share a lawyer, and Hannity has not admitted it. Well, Hannity has admitted that he knows the guy, but he has never had a business relationship with him. So the lawyer sharing accusation is false. According to Winberg, whoever guest sits on the Fox sofa is influencing President Trump. Oskar Winberg also mentioned Rush Limbaugh as a Fox person. That will be as surprise to Limbaugh who is on The Excellence in Broadcasting network. Winberg seems to be uninformed about his claims but still qualifies as an expert for Yle for their badmouthing Trump hour.

Are Trump supporters mass murderers?
Winberg also tried to connect Trump supporters to the awful butchery that happened in the Capital Gazette office in Annapolis MD where five newspaper people were killed. Oskar Winberg claimed that the police know how sharp and fiery the relations are between Trump’s supporters and the media establishment in the USA. His claims are totally unsupported by the facts; no one has established that the murderer was a Trump supporter. YLE did not filter out the claim that Trump supporters were morons, so why not tie them to a mass murder also?

Must be depressing, when the Yle propaganda has no impact in the US.
     With that kind of "experts" it is hard to decide if one should laugh or cry. The shame in Yle’s behavior is, that they mislead the Finnish people who pay for their salaries. Few of Yle’s viewers can vote in American election. The lies have no impact in the USA. Trumps popularity went up in the week after the summit meeting. That fact was of course banned from Yle. But if they had reported on it, building on their above mentioned name calling, the headline for Yle for Trump’s increased job approval could have been" Now 45% morons in the US population."

The quotes in above article include many transmissions from Finnish and Swedish.